Imagine getting the chance to listen to your great grandfather talk about his life.  Imagine really seeing and hearing him talk to you, his voice, his expressions, his stature and demeanour.

Now, fast forward and think what it would mean to your kids and their grandchildren to hear and see you talk about your passions, the calculated risks that kept you up at night, and the decisions and accomplishments you’re most proud of. Imagine they could hear and see you speak about the people in your life that mean the most to you, maybe even hear them speak. Imagine what this would mean to them?

Ultimately we deliver to your to your children’s grandchildren (in fact all your descendants) an irreplaceable gift – YOU. How would you like it if your great grandchildren could “virtually” meet you?

 Collateral Benefit

A video biography is an opportunity to focus your attention on the most important things in your life. Obviously the output is a tangible benefit but there are significant intangible benefits enjoyed through the process of creating it. Some say that in looking carefully at their own and their family’s histories they make new connections and new commitments to long-held interests and aspirations. Others have found that putting their experiences into words gave them a different, richer perspective on their lives. They know that what they have to say is valuable, and they want it to be heard, especially by the people they care about most. 

 Life is full of stories. Each features joy and sadness, friendship and love. Each focuses on characters who are unique and interesting because of their experiences and the choices they have made.  Some tales may feature nail-biting thrill-rides, epic heartbreaks, fist-pumping triumphs and romances for the ages; others are quiet stories of lives lived, challenges met, and the triumph of great accomplishments. Your life is full of stories too. Which ones do you want to tell?

Why film your Biography?

A video biography gives you an opportunity to capture on film the moments and experiences that have shaped you. Not only will you ensure that your story is told, you’ll have a chance to tell your story your way. Your friends, colleagues and family will hear you tell it in your own words; they will see the expression on your face and will be able to see things through your eyes.  You are the tour guide on this journey, directing what is shown to your audience. Your biography will include interviews with you and significant people in your life, as well as footage of pets, places, buildings, mementoes—anything that brings your story to life.

A video biography is a unique record of your past, but it is also a powerful tool for you today to help focus on what is really important to you. The very act of outlining, researching, scripting and filming the profile will help you see things in a new light. You may find new appreciation for some of the people with whom you shared special moments, or you may come to realize just how deeply you care for your hobbies, your travels, your culture or community. This is not just important as you assess the past; it may well have impact on how you approach your future.  The process of recording your story may even inspire you to fulfill dreams you abandoned long ago. 

Telling your story puts into perspective all that you have accomplished. Your biography can focus on family relationships or broadly document creative achievements, professional triumphs and even historic moments that have touched you.   Some of our clients have been amazed to find that telling their stories gives them an unexpected sense of pride as they are able to step back and appreciate all they have done. They realize that theydo have a rich story to share and that they need to tell it.

Who will be interested?

Everyone! For starters, your family, friends and colleagues will be fascinated to learn about the experiences that made an impact on you.  But imagine also the affect your video biography will have on future generations.  Just picture what it would have meant to you to be able to go back in time and connect with your own great grandparents—to see them, hear their voice and learn about their lives first hand. The age they grew up in is as different to the one you were raised in…as yours will be to your great grandchildren. Help them see what your world is like. Photos are wonderful, but video brings people, places and heartfelt moments to life. Your ancestors won’t just learn about you, they’ll have a chance to virtually meet you!

When is the best time to create your video biography?

There’s no time like the present! Now is the best time to tell your story your way. Don’t hold off for your “final” chapter, start work on your First chapter and then build on it.  Most people think about writing their memoiresone day, but find that the perfect moment never appears. Their children are left to piece together details of their life from anecdotes, photos and old letters.  Take control of the legacy you are leaving by giving it the attention it deserves now. Ensure that future generations have a chance to get to know the real you. Tell the whole story, your way.  What are you waiting for?

Creating your video biography

We help you create a full video biography that brings to life who you are, what you believe in and your own, personal and unique history. You are in control…but we are here to help, every step of the way. You determine what aspect of your story you want to tell, and our production team will realize your vision through interviews with you, your friends and family, interspersing footage of photographs, documents and family films.

How to begin

Many of the clients we work with undertake some introspection as a way of pinpointing the aspect of their story they want to share. Your own interview is the primary element in the storyline for your video biography. It does more than just record tales for posterity; it is your chance to tell your story your way, with your voice, your language, your inflections and expressions.

To discover your focal point, you need to have a sense of who you are, what you stand for, how people see you now…and ultimately, how you would like to be remembered.

Who are we?

We are a Canadian production company that creates full-length video biographies of real people – people like you, who have a story to tell. 

We are based in Toronto and work with clients all over North America. Thanks to our wide, international network of associates, we are also able to record footage anywhere that you desire. Our experienced production team has the technical know-how and a full host of equipment to manage all the details of the shoot. We’ll go to the ends of the earth to tell your story right!

Send me an email and we can begin collaborating with you to create your profile, discuss various pricing options or simply send you furthur information by email.